Active Light Properties...


Change the currently active light' brightness, focus, color, cone size and shadow resolution with light properties. You may also right-click on a light box and choose "Properties" to do the same thing.





Use this to set the cone size of the light. Click directly on the images or enter a number from 2 to 256.


Keep in mind that the size of cone increases the farther you are from a surface and that shadows quality will decrease like a digital photo decreases the larger it gets.



Click the focus images or enter a value to make the edges hard like a bright spotlight or fuzzy.



Click gray boxes to set brightness. Click color boxes to change color. Enter color values to adjust brightness and color together.



Shadow Quality

The higher the number, the higher the shadow resolution and the slower shadow rendering.


For example, at 2048 shadow quality is very high - the edges are not jagged. However, on slower computers and 3D video cards the computer will have to work harder to render them. Settings like 128 and 256 will have lower resolution shadows but the rendering speed will be 4 to 8 times faster then 2048 rendering.


Sun Properties

These may be adjusted for intensity and color only. Other options are disabled.



Click here for more information about lights.