Smooth Edges (Antialias)


This makes the view look more photo realistic.


Smooth Edges

Exit Smoothing

Hardware Antialiasing

Smooth Edges

Smoothes "jagged edges" to make a scene more photo realistic. In technical terms it's called antialiasing.


Keyboard Shortcut: S


On slower computers you will see count pass 1 through 8 on the status bar. On newer computers it's almost instant. The status bar shows "Showing smoothed frame..." when complete.





Exit Smoothing

Click mouse in scene to exit smoothing. "Showing smoothed frame" will disappear.

Hardware Antialiasing

If you have a fast computer with hardware antialiasing turned on, you will see a smoother, more attractive 3D view in the plan3D window.


However, if your computer isn't very fast or you have a slow 3D video card, turning on hardware antialiasing may cause unbearably sluggish editing. Consider turning it off to improve editing performance.


How to turn off hardware antialiasing:


  1. Start menu>Control Panel>Display

  2. Click "Settings" tab

  3. Click Advanced button

  4. Click Tab with your video card name on it

  5. Look for Antialiasing to see if it's turned on or not