

Materials are images you drag onto 3D object surfaces from the Directory. See Materials and Textures for more information.




Materials and Textures



Copy and Paste Materials

Materials and Textures

Drag the house icon on the right into plan3D to see the view below:



In the Directory, click Building Materials> Bricks> Bricks to see bricks below. Drag-and-drop bricks onto walls as shown.


Click up-arrow to main Directory - then click Building Materials> Wood Finishes. Drag-and-drop wood onto roof trim, window trim and door trim.

Sub Materials

To apply a square of dirt  to the center of the grass choose Build> Draw Material and draw the square shown below in the middle of the grass.

Copy and Paste Materials

To copy the dirt from the planter under the bushes to the material on the grass:


  1. Choose Edit> Copy Color and Material to get the eyedropper.

  2. Click eyedropper on dirt under bushes.

  3. Click paint bucket white material to paste dirt onto it: