

Asks if you want to save the current project then quits plan3D.



Closing the plan3D Window

Open plan3D Twice Error


Asks you if you want to save the current project for closing then exits plan3D.

Closing the plan3D Window

If you click the red "X" in the upper right hand corner of the plan3D window it will be closed and the program will be exited.

Opening plan3D Twice Error

If you get the error message below, you'll need to close ALL Internet Explorer windows before you open plan3D again. Including this window.



This error is displayed when you exit plan3D and try to open it again without first closing Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer does not release memory for 3D cards properly after plan3D is exited so if we allowed plan3D to open a second time it would operate very slowly.


To run plan3D again close ALL Internet Explorer windows, reopen Internet Explorer and go to www.plan3d.com and log in.